Guide for DApp Developers

If you maintain a DApp, wallet, or library that depends on Domains, you will need to take action to ensure no disruption occurs for your users during and after the migration period. This document describes what you will need to do in order to update your app.

What you need to do

Wallets, libraries, and DApps that resolve names

You should update the Domains registry address in your code to the new address of 0x78C9E78D00De510e41c4a36a6325f6D3Eb2aE473 as soon as possible. This new address is functional now, and will return the same results as the old one. Switching now ensures your users will not experience any disruption or interruption of service.

If you do not update the registry address by the time the migration process begins on February 3rd, your users will begin to see out-of-date results: Names registered or updated after the migration will not resolve correctly for your users.

If you maintain a library, you should release a new version with the updated address, and notify users that they should update as soon as possible. You may wish to consider publishing instructions for ‘monkeypatching’ the new address, in situations where users cannot easily upgrade to the latest version.

All Domains deployments across mainnet and all testnets now use the same addresses.

Last updated